ASP designs made-to-measure protection covers for the robots used in a variety of industries. They are suited to the specific needs of each sector.
  • Foundry and forge robots must operate in surroundings where the temperatures may be very high. ASP protection covers are ventilated if necessary to avoid any overheating and/or condensation.
  • The high-tech sector requires air-conditioned covers to ensure the robot is not exposed to very large temperature differences. ASP also designs covers for robots located in ATEX zones.
  • The robots used in the food industry must meet very strict hygiene standards. ASP’s special food protection covers have the advantage of being very easy to clean on the spot, using the cleaning and disinfection products habitually used to clean the installations.
  • The automobile industry needs washable or disposable protection covers for their painting lines, or covers that can withstand weld spatter for example.
ASP also develops covers suitable for sanding, polishing, shot peening, grinding and any other surface treatment process.
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