Partner robots
suits can be created for all makes of robot.
ASP can protect all types of robots of all brands, such as:
ABB robots
articulated arm robots, cobots, painting robots, delta robots, SCARA robots.
FANUC robots
cobots, 6-axis robots, palletizing robots, etc.
KUKA robots
for example, the KR1000 robot, the most powerful in the world with a load capacity of one metric ton, and many others.
YASKAWA robots
DÜRR painting robots
mainly used in the automotive industry
UR robots
designed for small and medium-sized businesses.
COMAU robots
STÄUBLI robots
used in various industrial sectors.
La marque de votre robot n’est pas citée dans la liste ?
Ne paniquez pas, elle est certainement référencée dans nos bases de données. Contactez-nous pour une étude approfondie
The advantages of an ASP protective suit
An ASP protective suit reduces the stresses caused by various factors and prevents wear and tear on your robot in situations such as:
- Dust and abrasive agents.
- Hot and cold conditions.
- Moisture.
- Use of chemicals.
- Hazardous (EX) areas and cleanrooms.
This helps avoid production downtime caused by breakdowns. Our technical designers are familiar with the dimensions of all robots, allowing them to accurately protect all series, such as 6-axis robots, palletizing robots, SCARA robots, delta robots, cobots, and autonomous robots. Every detail is taken into account on-site, at your location.
How can you reduce the maintenance costs of your industrial robots?
Our protective solutions increase product lifespan and productivity while reducing maintenance and repair costs.